Shriners Children’s® is not only renowned for its expertise in medical surgery and treatment of children, but also for their extensive research program through their affiliation with the leading medical centers in North America.
Charitable Giving
Each year the members of Daughters of the Nile give generously of their time to the hospitals by providing more than 150,000 volunteer hours at the Shriners Children’s®. In addition, they sew clothing and quilts, and provide toys, books, games and other educational and recreational items for the children with an annual value of over $900,000.
Convalescent Endowment Fund
This Fund is the workhorse of our philanthropy as it is an Irrevocable Trust Fund. Each year the interest income from this Fund is distributed between all the Shriners Hospitals for Children ®. Daughters of the Nile’s fiscal calendar run from January through December each year, at which time the net interest is distributed to the Hospitals. Personal donations, organization fundraising and the subordinate temples’ Christmas donations are included in the disbursement to the Hospitals. A contribution to the Convalescent Endowment Fund or CEF can be in any dollar amount from $1.00 to $1,000.00 or more. Each contribution is pooled in the Endowment Fund Trust, which is a well-balanced conservation investment portfolio. This allows for the principal assets to grow and amasses healthy interest/income throughout the fiscal year.
Convalescent Relief Account
A donor gift to the Convalescent Relief Account or CRA, is pooled with all other contributions within a Daughters of the Nile Foundation fiscal year. This will be distributed to the Shriners Hospitals for Children®. The CRA is what we refer to as the now fund, as it provides money for a specific fiscal year. It is important to recognize that CRA is vital to the whole philanthropic picture of Daughters of the Nile and that anyone wishing to have her gift used now should make it payable to the Daughters of the Nile Foundation and note Convalescent Relief Account in the memo line of the check.