The Supreme Temple, Daughters of the Nile Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public corporation which maintains a permanent endowment fund to benefit Shriners Children’s®. All monetary donations promote, support and maintain the philanthropic endeavors that enhance the medical care and treatment of the patients at Shriners Children’s®. The Canadian Trust provides the same support to Shriners Children’s®- Canada.
We also collect items to deliver to the Shriner’s Hospital in Philadelphia as that is the closes location to us. Last year we came together to sew 70 stockings and stuff them with items for the children for the holiday. We are also planning to do this again this year. We also on a regular basis collect small toiletries to take to the hospital to help ease burden of families who have to travel long distances for treatment.
Ways to donate:
– Through the My Gift Program
– Stepping Stones to Happiness
– Convalescent Endowment Fund
– Daughters of the Nile Foundation
– Convalescent Relief Account
– Bequests
If you would like to donate, you may send an email to and we would be happy to assist you. You can also visit the Daughter’s of the Nile Foundation page.